
Hey, pal!

I’m Dana.

It’s nice to meet you!

Let’s start from the beginning so you know my full story.

Before I began freelancing, I was climbing the corporate ladder.

But climbing is a strong word, because I was more clinging to the rungs for dear life while trying to survive never-ending layoffs in a turbulent industry.

So when my husband signed a work contract overseas in Europe, I had no choice but to quit my job and move abroad with him (I wasn’t complaining!).

I packed our life into some sturdy suitcases and off we went.

Blog coach Dana Nicole drinking a coffee
A hockey player and a woman in front of a crowd in Denmark.
My husband and I celebrating his championship win in Esbjerg, Denmark

But I knew I couldn’t just sit by myself in a foreign country. I needed something to keep me busy. The only problem? I had no stability. We began moving around every several months. (I think we did about eight overseas moves in four years; some moves we only had two days notice to pack up and get to another country.)

I knew a traditional job would be hard—if not impossible—to maintain.

So, I decided to combine my marketing degree and corporate marketing experience and started freelancing as a designer.

I began making logos and designing websites—hence the name Dana Nicole Designs—but after a couple of years, I realized my true passion: Writing.

Growing up, I loved to write. However, I never believed I could make a career with my words.

But as I continued blogging, I realized I might be able to crack it as a writer. And that leads us to today, where I continue writing copy + content for B2B brands.

And when I come across some useful tips, I share them with my email list (you can sign up for that here).

Awards and Recognition

  • Software Word’s best 50 B2B SaaS Freelance Writers (source)
  • B2B Marketing Zone’s MVP award – 3rd place (source)
  • Feedspots’s top 100 marketing blogs in 2020